Category Archives: Other

I’m Teaching On Udemy: How To Make Videos

Ever since I started making videos, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how I do things.  How did you edit like that?   What should I do if I want to start making my own videos?  What kind of camera should I get?

I’ve also always wanted to create an online course.  There’s a small bit of entrepreneur in me.  I wasn’t sure what the topic would be though, because I felt like I had a lot of random skills and knowledge, but not enough in one area.  Then I remembered I have a film degree, work in Hollywood, and constantly make and edit my own videos.   I do know a few things!  So I sat down and wrote out a rough outline and realized I have enough material to create a nice course for beginners.

And that’s what I did. How To Make Videos: Learn Production Basics From Scratch is my video course for beginners.  If you’re interested in making videos for your own brand or just as a hobby and you have no background in it at all, you might enjoy this.  Check out the course description (about halfway down the page) and decide for yourself:

video production for beginners

I’ve even got a coupon code for readers of this blog.  If you purchase my course by the end of July you’ll get it for 50% off.  $10!

Use This Link To Get 50% Off


And if you don’t care about learning how to make videos, no worries. I’ll still post to this blog very regularly (currently that seems to be once every three months).

Thanks for reading!




Apparently, if you’re not from the flawless, beautiful, picturesque state of perfection known as California, you don’t have real beaches.

My California friends don’t seem to realize that there are other people around the country (and world) that live quite contently even though they don’t permanently reside in California.  These people go about their day walking the dog, going to work, and hanging out with friends.  They sometimes have to put on a light jacket, but they still find happiness in life! INCREDIBLE!

Some Californians refuse to accept this.  Such arrogance was shown when I told one of my Golden State friends that I was going back to Michigan to celebrate the 4th of July on the beach.

“You know that’s not a real beach right?”

I’ll show you what a real beach is. Cue the video:




The Internet Keeps Changing How We Drive

I’m not shy about my feelings towards L.A.  There are many things I don’t like about this city.  These include but are not limited to: trendy cupcakes, trendy green juice, $14 salads, a sense of entitlement, an alarming number of grown men and women who are still children, small parking lots,  no parking lots, people who are on the gluten-free diet but also don’t know what gluten is, and a lack of water.

But the worst part of this city, without question, is the LA traffic.  There are just too many people in this city.  There are too many cars trying to get to the Hollywood Bowl, Dodger Stadium, and Santa Monica Pier.  Highway pileups begin way before 5pm.  City gridlock can happen anywhere, at anytime.  For drivers in LA, going 10 miles can easily take an hour.

People have been trying to find solutions for years: carpool lanes, anti-gridlock zones, and certain no left turns at peak traffic hours.  Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a fix for the LA traffic problem.  Getting around is a major struggle for everyone.  

You have to be resourceful.  You have to find shortcuts and tricks.  And they don’t always work.  What may be a shortcut one day could add 30 minutes to your commute the next day.  But the one thing you can always count on LA for having is trends.  And just like its annoying green juice trend, LA has driving trends too.

Turo’s (previously known as RelayRides) Los Angeles car rental crew recently put together a drivers guide to getting around the city.  In it, they share tips and tricks from local bloggers who know the city best. What I immediately recognized in most of the answers was trends.  Thanks to apps like Waze and Uber, people are moving around the city differently.  Instead of driving and parking, people are spending the extra money to take an Uber.  People’s favorite “secret” shortcuts are being exposed because of apps like Waze.  Trends change the game.  It will be interesting to see what sticks and what doesn’t.  Here’s that infographic.


If you looked at it closely, you might have seen a familiar name.  Yep, right at the bottom left there – yours truly.  Now this whole article makes sense, Randy!

Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing service.  Think of AirBnB for cars!  People who have a vehicle to spare can rent it out to someone in need.  Renters always have a variety of cars available to them, and at much cheaper rates than you’d find at more traditional rental services or airports. 

One of Turo’s most appealing features is its large mixture of model options.  Since your selection is pooled from real people all over the city, not just a garage or a lot with a few different models, you have a much bigger variety of cars to choose from.  If I’m trying to plan a road trip up in the mountains, I’m not going to want the same type of vehicle that I’d pick for city exploration. 

I love the way that the internet and technology are connecting people and ideas.  I love that these new ideas are creating trends that change how we do things.  Turo isn’t going to fix LA traffic, but LA is certainly a perfect city for a cool service like this.  It’s also the perfect city to rent a car and GTFO using Turo.  Check them out here:

Go trip yourself.


Road Trip Randy Blog Update

Hello! I feel like it’s been awhile.

I also feel like this how every undisciplined, cliche writer on WordPress starts a post.  And then repeats the routine every three months.  See you in January?

Personal Updates

I just wanted to take some time to let you know Hollywood is eating me alive.  I’m currently PAing on a gig that usually goes 12-16 hours a day, six to seven days a week.  I’m not complaining.  This is actually quite common in my industry.  And it’s fun at times.  But it’s a big change from my last show which was only 11 hours a day, five days a week.  I had so much free time!!  Anyway, my current gig will take me through mid-December.  The good news is I’m making lots of money (GoPro Hero4, anyone?). The bad news is I don’t see how I’ll have time for road trips anytime soon.  Maybe I’ll try to do a Sunday day trip if I’m not too exhausted.  Or maybe I’ll write a post about my job.

I also bought a new night stand.  And black socks.

Blog Update

I’ve made a few changes to the blog. If you didn’t notice, I don’t blame you, but just pretend you did.  I added a nice new “Video” tab on the top navigation bar with some videos you probably haven’t seen yet. Check ’em out.

I’ve also added a Facebook Page (see right column).  If you like reading my stuff, please show me some love by following me on there or one of my other social media pages:

I have 60 WordPress readers, which means 54 are probably spammers. So there are at least six of you who are real.  Let’s connect.